Thursday, June 27, 2013

TTT #39: Hit Songs Against Hit Songs

I haven't been listening to much music this week.  They have banned headphones at work.  They do this many times a year and it will only last a week, two tops.  So for the time being I have been stewing about the crap they constantly play over the speakers at work.  I have also been thinking about the soulless devils that put that stuff out for profit alone.  That led to this week's playlist.

I have heard more music industry horror stories than I care to count.  If you have ever met someone that actually signed to a label,  and talked to them about it at length, the deals they get are frightening.

I recently saw a post on Reddit from an artist, I forget the actual artist, it's irrelevant.  He posted his royalties from his plays on different Internet radio networks.  He had over 1,000,000 plays on Pandora.  That equaled exactly $16.43.  That is sad.  Almost all of the money an artist makes is playing live shows.  

Even if you don't like Macklemore, or rap in general, listen to the last minute of Jimmy Iovine.  He talks about his "deal".  You quickly start to realize why he went Independent.

On to the meat...

TTT #39 Playlist
Twitter for Spotify Playlist 

Taking It

Jimmy Iovine (Feat. Ab-Soul) - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

I have always sort of thought Jimmy Iovine is kind of a douche.  I don't know him personally (obviously), he could be a fairly nice guy.  His business and outward persona on television and the like:  douche.   His the "mentor" on American Idol.  He usually gives his opinion, which I personally usually disagree with.    

Also, if you don't know who Jimmy Iovine is, he is the co-founder of Interscope Records and chairman of Interscope Geffen A&M.  So there ya go...

As a result of their meetings with record execs Macklemore & Ryan Lewis decided to go independent.  I'm sure that has resulted in them keeping a much, much larger portion of the money their number one record is making.

What Made The Pan Refuse To Grow Was...

Hook - Blues Traveler

I think this song is a little bit about the music industry and a lotta bit about people's taste in music in general.  While I am a full believer in liking what you like and owning your shit there are some people in the world that just listen to stuff that is just...bad.  Just bad.   Now some of the songs he vaguely references in the bridge I actually like.  You shouldn't stop listening to your music because I, or John Popper, don't like it.  That would be silly.  If you like One Direction, own that shit.

Also you should listen to this song with a copy of the lyrics open, here ya go.  It helps.

Schmoke & A Pancake?

Have A Cigar - Pink Floyd

I have noticed there seems to be a lot of bands saying that music execs just talk out of their asses and don't actually like music.  "I wonder if that is prevalent in the industry?" he asked already knowing the answer.


Napoleon - Ani Difranco

I really like Ani Difranco.  Though I am generally not allowed to like her too much.  Ya see my ex was a HUGE fan of Ani Difranco.  Tattoos and child named after level.  Like Epic fan.  My ex and my current don't exactly get along.  Therefore I have to like Ani on the sly (sorry dear).  I still dig her stuff.  She puts on a great show and is a hell of a guitar player.  My rhythm idol.  Great lyricist.

I just like her in solitude out of respect for my lady.  I just wish I could get her to do the same with celebrity gossip.  It reminds me of...something I don't like.  So stop  Ya know I love ya...

Candy Pork

Pork & Beans - Weezer

It's true Rivers Cuomo has a bald spot.  It's true they would probably be more popular if  Timbaland remixed one of their tracks.  All of these things do not make me like Weezer and more, or less.   I don't need them to be more popular.  I just want Rivers writing the stuff that makes me like Weezer.

I am glad he is snarky and decided to write this when his record company asked him to write a hit single.

Fry Suit

Sell Out - Reel Big Fish

I think this is one of the quintessential "make money by signing your money away" songs.  Plus, I think it really adds something to a song about catchy music and doing your own thing when the song itself is really catchy.

It's like...serendipity.

One Of The First Songs I Learned On Guitar

Life's Been Good - Joe Walsh

That's the lead guitarist for The Eagles.  He's serious.  His Maserati goes 185.

Don't mess with Joe Walsh.  Ever.  <--period

Pinnacle of an Artist's Career?

The Cover of The Rolling Stone - Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show

If I am ever famous (which I won't be) I will have a girl named Cocaine Katie that will embroider my stuff.  I don't like bedazzled stuff though.

Also how crazy is it to hear that Ten Thousand dollars a show was a lot?  And Christina Aguilera got paid 1.2 million dollars to sing three songs at a wedding. Crazy...

Well that's it this week folks.  It has been an extremely annoying blog to write as my keyboard is going out.  Well at least my left shift isn't working on SOME of the letters, go figure.  Also I lost the ability to use my symbols.  I had to copy and paste the pound and dollar sign.  *sigh*

Anyway, until next week.  FORTY?! How crazy is that?  Pretty soon we will be doing 52!  Which will mark (roughly) 1 years worth of playlists.  Nuts.  Gonna have to do somethin special for that.  Hmmmm...

KKNY signing off...

1 comment:

  1. 40 weeks, that's crazy! Can't wait to see what 52 will be.

    And Cocaine Katy will embroider your stuff. The thing about a girl names Cocaine Katy is she won't be reliable. You will def end up with some bedazzled chaps....
