Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Post One

So here is our blog.  I have decided that no matter what, i will finish at least this post today.  I've spent the last 3 hours trying to figure out background pictures, snappy titles, and if you can believe it, blog themes.  What do we want to write about each day? I have no idea.  The title I settled on was "Title Block" and I finally just chose a colored background to be finished with it already! 

I would normally email you about dinner and the horrible decisions I've made about food today so I thought that would be a good place to start.  Dinner was baked potatoes with grilled chicken and onions. Yummy! Also slathered with sour cream, butter, and cheese. Not so healthy, but yummy.

I wanna say something positive about starting over tomorrow and becoming the person I've always wanted to be, but been too lazy to be, but I got nothing.  I've still got one foot in my 40 year old depression so i'll start with pep talk another day.  Gonna have to find a direction for this blog or it will be the most boring blog ever....

And because blogs need pictures....I give you great fabric and long hair .  Fabric makes me happy and long hair makes me sad...cuz mine is gone. <deep painful sigh>
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