Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thuper Thong Thurthday #19: Foreign Language Bingo!

Ok. So I am fully prepared to lose a couple of you on this one.  However, seeing as how this blog has been read in 10 different countries (seriously, that's a real stat) I have decided to do a foreign language music playlist.

I also decided that in a move that is completely tasteless (and tactless) we are gonna make a guessing game out of it.  See if you can guess the language.  Yeah I know, it's dumb, but it entertains me.  So click the link to see the language...I'll keep it secret til then...So on here it goes.

I will say this before I get to the list.  I truly like all of these songs and I think you should give everyone of them a chance.  On with it...

TTT #19 Playlist
Twitter For Spotify Playlist

Brooding Eyes

Cancion Del Mariachi - Los Lobos & Antonio Banderas

Nasonex Bee.  Yeah that's right.  This is a track of the Nasonex bee dropping some mean rhymes in Oh know what could it be, could it be ____?

I Love This Picture

Ca Plane Pour Moi - Plastic Bertrand

That's his 80's smoulder.  I am a straight man and even I am having trouble looking directly at it.  If you don't know what language this is, open a book, or watch Eurotrip.  I just realized I told you to open a book if you don't know what language this is.

Seeing as how you don't know the language you can't read the it's ____.  You're welcome...

Do You Remember?

Du Gråter Så Store Tåra - Ane Brun

Don't cheat.  I know that text is very telling BUT which country is it? I don't know...I do know the language though it's _____.  Oddly enough the country is pretty easy to deduce from there, you don't need Benedict Cumberbatch to solve that one for you. (You should watch that show.)

I also would recommend looking up the English version of this song, unless you speak _____, it's a beautiful song.

Pure Moods

Makambo - Geoffery Oryema

This is on my top five Sit In A Dark Room And Contemplate Life songs.  Let it wash over you and just take it in...even if you don't speak _____.

OK that one was hard...that's all I could find.  Deal.

Gent And A Piano

O Mio Babbino Caro - Giacomo Puccini

I couldn't do this playlist and not include at least ONE aria.  Had to be done.  Now what language is she speaking?  Not that it's hard to tell, even if you don't speak the language, but this song is really, really sad.  I think probably one of the saddest songs ever.  Truly.

Puccini was a genius.


Dina Lam - Richard Bona

I first learned of this guy from a video of him playing with Bobby McFerrin.  It was transcendent.  I really love the melody of this song.  That mixed with soothing solo bass work is just fantastic.  Like Oryema this is all you get.  I apologize.

He IS from Cameroon though.  So I found that out...

Some People Get All The Luck

Quequ'un M'a Dit - Carla Bruni

Seriously.  Look at her.  A model.  Married the leader of France AND writes and sings beautifully.  It's almost too much to take.  The language should be pretty easy (read that book again...*hinthint*).  This is another song that is really beautiful if you find out what it means.

 I wonder if all of these songs are nice...huh...

This Might Be Where I Lose You

Alive - Sa Dingding

This song has a nice little groove to it.  Her voice and the Eastern voicings may not be to your liking.  _______ is actually a very flowy language when sung.  I really like this song and I like the feel of it.  Sometimes that's more important than any other aspect for me.

 I think that is why I really like music in languages I don't speak.  It allows me to see if I can feel what they are singing about.  I like to see if I can interpret the meaning.  At the very least the meaning as it pertains to me.


Love Me Or Hate Me - Lady Sovereign

What?  It applies.  It's foreign to me.  Why you ask? ______. Also because that accent is really thick (again, to me) and say 'fank youuuu' instead of 'thank you'.  That is just great.  Plus she's adorable.  Look at that face...

That's it for this week.  I was in a weird mood musically this week so this is what happens when the usual doesn't click with me.  Hope you enjoyed the list.  Feel free (please...) to leave comments down below.  Guesses.  Riddles.  Ridicules.  Whatever.

KKNY signing off...


  1. ok so...I'm digging this post, I'll tell ya. Very " up my alley". So We have France x 2, Uganda, Norway, and TexMex + Antonio, Italian opera, dude from cameroon, and China. Interestingly enough, I have Geoffrey Oryema on my music list too..Makambo (song title). LOVE LOVE LOVE Sa DingDing. I am a straight FEMALE, and I was having trouble looking at Bertrands smoulder. I think he's very George Michael-esque...maybe not meant for the females.Plus, I couldn't make it though his song.My favorites are Ana Brune and Sa DingDing. lovin it KKNY!!

  2. -=D I'm glad you liked it!! I really dig Sa DingDing as well. I thought I might lose some people on that one. But I really dig that song.
