Thursday, April 11, 2013

TTT #28: One You Know/One You Don't: Decades Edition!

I was all over the place for this week's theme.  I had no clue where to go.  So I ended up on a mulit-generational One Ya Know/One Ya Don't.  I didn't go that obscure.  Hardly at all, really.

Let me know what you think.

Thuper Thong Thurthday #28 Playlist
Twitter For Spotify Playlist

The Eldest Should Just Skip To Track 3

Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles

No matter how many times I think about it I can't understand how a child of my parents doesn't like The Beatles.  I mean, they're THE BEATLES!  Anyway, she'll skip these two and it will be her loss.  Damn I just realized you are going to skip 5 and 6 too.  Hmm, this list may only be for me...

In The Window no les...

I've Just Seen A Face - The Beatles

This has been one of my favorite Beatles songs since the first time I heard it.  I was covering it 10 minutes later.  I caught it late in life but I really think it is one of their best.  Plus if that is the face you have just seen, how can you not love it.  Did he stub a toe?  Is he winking? Stroke?

Still freaks me out...

Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 2 - Pink Floyd

I truly believe that, here in America, we do not teach children to think.  We teach them random facts that they memorize for a test and then promptly forget.  They don't know how to think critically.  They have all of the information in the world in their pocket and they don't even know what to do with it.  Teach people HOW to think.  Let them learn what they want.  People won't remember what they don't find interesting anyway.  So, stop being such a brick teachers...

That picture just freaks me out...

Best.  Album.  Ever.

In The Flesh - Pink Floyd

I chose that picture because it was there when I googled "In The Flesh".  It makes no sense and it makes me laugh.  I like it.  Deal. 

This song is awesome.  Love it.  Learn it.  Live it.

Sorry Eldest...I know this is a sore spot...

Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi

Ahh the 80's.  It's hard to believe that those guys up there were once considered both stylish and sexy.  There is a lot going on up there.  I especially like Andrew Dice Drummer all the way to the right and white Prince right next to him.  Anyway, my sister (the middle one) used to play this at top volume every single day after school.  So because of that fact I have very fond memories of this album.  It is also the reason that The Eldest might vomit when she sees/hears it.

I have a question...

Raise Your Hands - Bon Jovi

This will always remind me of when you come upon the Winnebago for the first time in Spaceballs and you see Barf jamming out.  I couldn't find a picture of that like I wanted so you get the bleeps, the sweeps and the creeps...

Later Today MUST be kept

Save Tonight - Eagle-Eye Cherry

That is what he looks like when saving the night.  That is his super hero mobile.  He doesn't look like a pedo at all.  Truly.

Funny thing...

Indecision - Eagle-Eye Cherry

I remember buying this album way back when I was a wee Kenny.  I was drawn to this song immediately.  Still a favorite and it makes its way on to many a playlist.  As for the picture, oddly enough, I couldn't decide what picture to use for this song, so I flipped a coin.  As soon as I did it I realized the irony, and the necessary picture...


She's Hearing Voices - Bloc Party

You knew it was coming...

2000's jam.  Rocking the aughts.  Yeah...

He feels it in his fingers...he feels it in his toes...

This Modern Love - Bloc Party

Now if you don't know either of this songs and have never heard of Bloc Party, shame on you.  Of course it might just not be your type of music, which I understand.  I hope you liked it anyway.  Really...did you?

Anyway I'm going to eat and lay down now.  I think I am getting delirious.  In fact I know I am because it took me entirely too long to spell "delirious".  Twice.

KKNY  has had enough today...


  1. very funny, I DID skip to track 3 though, hehe. Great mix. keep em coming!

  2. One ya know and one ya don't. I like it. Of course, we all know that I knew both Bongiovi songs. Even still... I am also happy to say tax season is ova and I'm back on the grid. Schweet.

    And did I ever tell you that you're pretty funny? Prolly not...

  3. I would say that we three are quite hilarious. We should all do lunch sometimes this weekend and revel in our hilarity.
