Thursday, April 18, 2013

TTT #29: This Is Going To Get Weird...

I had some trouble with the list this week.  I didn't where I wanted to go.  So I've decided to make a playlist that is primarily songs that I have wanted to share but I had no idea how I would form them into one cohesive list.  So here we are, weird stuff, from me. =)


TTT #29 Playlist
Twitter for Spotify Playlist

Ludicrous Speed...

Radar Detector - Darwin Deez

I'm not really sure what's supposed to be going on there in that pic.  The curly hair, I like curly hair.  The head band is a bold choice, but he pulls it off.  More than I could anyway.  I am not sure about the mustache but I feel all men should have beards.  This comes from a straight man.  It just NEEDS to be.  Anyway, this song is super catchy. 


Run Boy Run - Woodkid

While this is necessarily as weird as the other stuff on this list, probably the most normal honestly.  I really enjoy it.  I like some abnormal pop drums.  The video is weird as hell too.  Plus look at that portrait of the guy.  There are some things going on there....

Freddy Kruger

Yeeeeeah.  I'm just gonna...yeah...

Odd...but surprising...

Fitzpleasure - Alt-J

What is that triangle you ask?  Well friend, that is the name of this band.  It is the symbol that is created when you press ALT-J on a mac.  They liked the idea of it and named their  Prince style.  In a brilliant move of not-full-of-themselves-like-Prince-edness they chose to let people know they could pronounce it Alt-J. 

It's Supposed to Sound Like That

Osaka Loop Line - Discovery

REALLY hard to find a picture of this band.  That is one of the guys from it.  It would seem he was in Vampire Weekend.  I am so aggravated with finding his picture this is all I will say on it.  This song is definitely different, yet the same.  It has a vibe I love. I just can't explain why I love it so much.

Hick Elephant

Southbound Pachyderm - Primus

Just about everything Primus does is off the beaten path and weird as hell.  However, they are extremely talented and make carving a new path actually listenable.  There aren't many bands that shed conventions and go off in weird directions that can actually take you along for the ride as opposed to leaving in a wall of noise.

Hello Again

Sound & Vision - Beck

Now for this you really need to go to  There you will experience and better understand what this song is about.  You must also watch the video for this one.  Aside from the fact that this performance must really be seen to be understood properly, they use just about every damn instrument in the world in that video.  They even have the Riccola Horn and a yodeler.  I mean, come on?  It's worth the listen just for that alone... And if at all possible listen to this track with headphones on, it makes a world of difference...

Just Good 80's Synths

Emphasis - Harald Grosskopf

You know you are in for some 1980 goodness when you see a picture like that pop up.  Awwww yeah...

I got Seoul but I'm not a soldier...

Seoul - Amiina

Look middle sister, quilts!!  Anyway, this is a good mellow out background kind of song.  If you do happen to listen closely you will notice something new every time.

I also just realized that every time I write 'every time' I want to make it one word like everytime.  Sort of like everywhere.  I need that to be a thing...

That's it for this week folks.  As usual leave comments and jibes, love digital pizzas below...

KKNY off for another week...


  1. particularly liked this list, super groovy, never missed a beat. just grooved on through. Like me some asian mullet. who knew? that, and the ever popular Debarge curl with headband duo..always a winner. woohoo.

  2. I wonder if digital pizza has less calories? I'd give you infinite love and digital pizza. I also have "You are a radar detector" stuck in my head. My fave was lonely girl in big pants...
