Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Nerd Porn

As I have been sick and sitting at my computer a lot lately I have stumbled upon a website called Codeacademy.com.  This website teaches you the ins and outs of various type of programming languages and what-not.

Don't know if you guys would be interested.  Probably not.  But just as I am not in to the "weight loss blog" you may not be into the "good lord our brother is a nerd blog".

Either way, enjoy, I have been learning Java and it's interesting.  I am told that by the end of the course (which is free btw) I will be able to, and required to in order to continue the course, program a whole blackjack game in Java.  This is not something I would normally do, but I assume the skills to do it would be useful at some point.

I always thought learning basic HTML was useless for me, but it allows me to change the picture sizes in this website just using the HTML code editor.

Geek FTW!

Over and out.

P.S.  FTW = For The Win


  1. ooooh, I like. See you aren't the only nerd. let me know how the course is...if it's above my paygrade (intelligence level), I might pass...

  2. Actually it breaks it down into really easy to understand lessons. It takes you by the hand like a kindergartner and helps you along.

    I also started on Java, which I learned is one of the hardest languages to just start out on.

    I hear Python is easy, and a good starting language. Also HTML and basic web stuff is swell...you should definitely check it out...see look at this JAVA code i just typed...

    I have to go back a few steps because I'm not entirely sure what all of that is, BUT I KNOW MOST OF IT! And i've only been messing with the site for like...2 days...

    var lost = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42];

    var isLost = function (n) {

    for ( var i = 0; i < lost.length; i++ )
    if ( n === lost[i]) {
    return true;

    return false;

    var ret = isLost(12);

    if ( ret === true) {

    console.log('12 is a lost number');

    var ret = isLost(16);

    if ( ret === true ) {

    console.log('16 is a lost number');

  3. Well it's unanimous. We're all nerds. Some of the best people on the planet are nerds. You included. I wanna learn java too. I now know eggplant confuses the interpreter! This reminds me of my 1989 Computer Science class where I learned to write a DOS blinking Christmas tree program. OK, I also learned how to copy a program written by the resident smart guy in the class. Thank you Joey Havard for all your hard work. I got an A in that class.

  4. Look at all that mumbo jumbo. Now you're talking nerd...

  5. Just learned how to make Java print all the number from 100-150 and square only the odd numbers...this is what that looks like. I hope ya'll like the class...we can be code buddies *nerd laugh*

    for (i = 100; i <= 150; i++){
    var square = i * i;
    if (i % 2 === 1){;
    } else {;
    if (i % 2 === 0){;

  6. I have a feeling I'm not going to make an affective "code buddy" since I can't even get through reading all the way through the code without my mind wandering.

    Maybe I'm just a geek and not an actual nerd. There IS a difference, you know.Tell me again what I can do with the code knowledge you speak of...maybe that will be the deciding factor. heh...

  7. well it's a whole lot easier to look at if you know what it means. If you don't, it's like reading a story in greek.
