Tuesday, September 11, 2012

No results...Son of a..?!@?

I will go ahead and go on record saying that I am the epitome of impatient. This working out, eating right, "life changing" and waiting months for results is robbing me of every ounce of patience I have. Which is, 0.5 oz total. But, I soldier on. This is the "lets see how long it takes her" blog....instead of the "chart her results" blog. I actually like eating healthy,  because secretly I prefer vegetables to meat any day of the week. I don't miss fast food AT ALL. We totally quit going to those places when we moved here (2 months and counting). This is a huge accomplishment for me, whose philosophy is  fastest is bestest....don't judge the grammar, it rhymed.

I woke up to 49 degree weather this morning.(What?!? I nEEd some socks) It's starting to feel like Fall up here. I even saw one lone tree dropping it's leaves day before yesterday. I was excited. Boot weather here I come. So I started trolling the healthy sites for new recipes, I found this on another blog ( she has great recipes/ideas) ...pumpkin pie oatmeal (vegan friendly) http://undressedskeleton.tumblr.com/ 

(I am not vegan, but I do LOVE ME SOME PUMPKIN, be it in bread/pie/cookie form, doesn't matter. So for the fall weather just around the corner.....Here's a pumpkin substitute. Enjoy!!

For Fall....My favorite movie for the Halloween/Fall time is:
 Hocus Pocus

Have a great Tuesday!!


  1. Oh Hokus Pokus! Wait that's the local liquor store. It's Hocus Pocus. Got it! Amuck Amuck Amuck Amuck Amuck! Why don't I own this movie?!? I haven't worked up to posting my measurements. It may just be too much for me. The girth...oh the girth. This is making my diet coke headache throb. I did have cereal with soy milk for breakfast and I brought my hummus for lunch! See no BK or McD's! I forgot my hummus dippers though so I'm not sure if I'm gonna "work it out" or just "go out" for lunch. We shall see how the morning progresses. There are only so many things a girl can deal with on a tuesday morning...aw, this is why i'm so squishy...dang it.

  2. I feel ya on the measurements...regretting it, but looked in the mirror sideways this morning and realized I looked like a fat old housewife. WTF is this?? The world has gone topsy turvy, dogs and cats are living together.....mass hysteria.....ok. just me having a mini-episode from horrific rolls. OH...God help me. CANNOT. HANDLE. HOUSEWIFE ROLLS. BE GONE.............
