Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pizza Night = Diet Killer

OK, Well for the 14th time I didn't properly prepare for my new healthy lifestyle.  I really should have prepare a meal that could have kept me from eating the Papa Johns pepperoni, mushroom, and olive hand tossed pizza.  I may be getting tired of having to post about my failures. Oh, yeah. I'm also losing the diet coke battle. I think there really is crack in there.  It's my default drink. I order with absolutely no thought whatsoever.  I was halfway through a 20 oz before I realized I had quit drinking them the day before.  I'm pretty sure that's not my fault though.  It's the holes in my brain that caused my short term memory loss which, hello, is a side effect of drinking diet coke. How will this vicious cycle ever end?!? 

So in an attempt to be less pathetic sounding on my next post, I'm going to do what I never do. Which is plan my meals ahead of time and prep the ingredients so I won't fall off the wagon.  So I have actually done that before, but the new twist will be that I'm gonna do it MORE THAN ONCE!!  No more diet killers for me this week!!


  1. I know this would be difficult in the house. But it actually makes you more conscience of how many you drink if you stop bringing them into the house. Now, barring any outside food, only drink water, or milk occasionally, with food at the hizzie.

    Good job though. Let me know how the meal planning works. I don't think I could mentally handle planning my life to that minute of a detail. I need a little more flow than that, but if it is easy and helps the healthy I could learn...

  2. It's DEFINITELY easier not to drink the diet cokes if they aren't in the house, we quit buying soda (remember that's how we say it up here...SODA)a few years ago. We drink water, coffee, milk. If I HAVE to have something I usually go for the diet 7up with splenda and only buy 1 20 oz. NO PACKS OF ANYTHING.

    We adopted the Abs Diet, so I bought the book and cook strictly the recipes out of the book. On the weekend, we decide for the week what we want to eat for breakfasts/lunches/dinners..I stick with 1-2 variations for each meal to make it easier. The recipes are all very simple and quick "on the run" type stuff. I make a lot of wraps for dinners, we have sandwhiches for lunches, LOTS of chicken, and breakfast is usually one of two things (these are Johns faves)...1 whole wheat toaster waffle with 1 slice of canadian bacon (get the sliced stuff - 20 calories per slice) 1 fried egg with a bit of low fat cheese. It usually comes in around 250-300 calories. The other breakfast is 1/2 cup of oatmeal with 1 tsp of sugar free MAPLE syrup, 1 splenda and 1 Jimmy Dean Turkey sausage patty cut up stir it all together...that's about the same 300-320 calories. And they are both really tasty and don't feel like you aren't eating. If I don't go with too many options, I know what we are going to have, don't have to think about it, and it's waaay easy.I actually don't care for cheating on the diet, makes me feel icky. It's slow going, but definitely coming off!!

  3. Yah, Kenneth and Patricia don't do change well. And I don't know that would roll with NO drinks but water and milk. And I HATE milk. So I would need to go just water and that reminds me of that commercial where they guy says "Fiber makes me sad..". So I was lying in bed trying to figure it all out and I decided I can stop the Diet Coke. That's not the entire problem. But sometimes you NEED to feel the burn of icy cold carbonated SODA (props to the yanks). So I think if I knew, because it's all about the deprivation, that I could have a Sprite when I NEEDED one, I would be ok. I'm not down with the Splenda anymore because, 1. I don't really love the taste of it in my coffee and b. I'm leaning toward real food. Not weird, chemically altered concoctions meant to assist me in my gluttonous food fest. So, despite the 20 oz. Diet Coke that is currently sitting in front of me half empty, I will be stopping with the aspartame. Fo Reals.

    OK, I am not a routine person. I reject routine in fact. So to be perfectly honest, the thought of planning out my meals for the week and prepping all the ingredients makes me want to rip out my eyeballs. But I just figured I would have to make some sort of effort to change, since my current fly-by-night way eating lands me in a drive-thru on a regular basis. I swore I wasn't spending one more nickel on a diet book, video, or equipment BUT...maybe I should get the ab book. Ugh. And I don't know how I feel about sausage in oatmeal. I can't decide if that would help me eat oatmeal (mush...)or if that would ruin the sausage. hmmm.
